Calls for Papers

Find calls for abstracts in areas of GEWEX-related science below. Meetings with abstract submission deadlines list sessions of interest to the GEWEX community.



Water Resources Under Pressure: Observation and Modelling for Water Management in a Context of Global Change

Dates: 5–7 February 2025
Location: Minorca, Spain
Abstract Submission Deadline: 16 December 2024

The “Water Resources Under Pressure: Observation and Modelling for Water Management in a Context of Global Change” conference will serve as an essential platform to discuss, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the latest advances in climatology in the service of water management, in the observation and modeling techniques of human and climate impacts on the water cycle, and the management of water resources in order to address these current challenges in the context of global change. 

Researchers and specialists in different fields of knowledge (physics, space sciences, earth sciences, and social sciences) are encouraged to submit contributions to one of the three sessions: 

Please submit your proposals by December 16, 2024. For more information on the submission process and guidelines, please visit the website:

EGU General Assembly 2025

Dates: 27 April–2 May 2025
Location: Vienna, Austria and online
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2025

Sessions of interest to the GEWEX community, including some convened by members of the GEWEX community, are listed below. Please send your session to if you’d like to have it included in the list below.

Baltic Sea Science Congress 2025 (BSSC2025)

Dates: 26–30 May 2025
Location: Sopot, Poland
Abstract Submission Deadline: 21 February 2025

This interdisciplinary event brings together researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders to explore the multifaceted dynamics of the Baltic Sea and its catchment, examining the rich history, current functioning, and future prospects of this region. Over the course of the conference, critical topics will be distributed among seven thematic sessions covering a wide range of disciplines and addressing fundamental scientific problems and environmental challenges. By fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and international collaboration, we aim to generate innovative solutions to preserve and protect the unique marine environment of the Baltic Sea for generations to come.

  1. Physical and Biogeochemical Changes in the Baltic Sea
  2. Ecosystem Health and Biodiversity
  3. Geological Processes and Coastal Erosion
  4. Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions and Catchment Processes
  5. Marine Pollution: Sources, Trends, Effects and Solutions
  6. Exploitation of ecosystem services and its impact on the Baltic Sea ecosystem
  7. Emerging Technologies for Research and Monitoring

Special Issue for the 5th Baltic Earth Conference

Journal: Frontiers in Earth Science
Research Topic:  New Challenges for Baltic Sea Earth System Research
Manuscript Summary Submission: 10 December 2024 and,
Manuscript Submission: 30 March 2025

The Baltic Sea is an intracontinental marginal sea in Northern Europe, with particular properties which set it apart from most other marginal seas and coastal regions, such as its pronounced salinity dynamics and unique biogeochemical features. But at the same time, it has been one of the best observed and modeled marine and coastal regions in the world and it can serve as an example and provide case studies for other heavily populated coastal regions worldwide.

The Research Topic is rooted in the 5th Baltic Earth Conference in Jurmala, Latvia, 13-17 May 2024, inciting “New Challenges for Baltic Sea Earth System Research”. Contributions from the conference but also welcome manuscripts from other coastal sea regions worldwide related to:

For more information, see the conference website:

Special Issue in SOIL on Advances in dynamic soil modelling across scales

Journal: Soil
Submission Opens: 01 October 2024
Submission Deadline: 01 October 2025

This special issue (SI) invites papers that study soil dynamics using numerical and statistical models. The focus will be on the development of model-based representations, or digital twins, of soil systems to study soil processes, dynamics, and functions from the pore to the landscape scale and from diurnal dynamics to millennial evolution. By bringing together modellers and models that work on different spatiotemporal scales, we aim at synergies between soil hydrology, soil physics, soil geography, and soil ecology to develop holistic models that consider soils and their functions as dynamic systems. This SI is an initiative of the International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC, and the 3-4D Soil models working group (, part of the German Soil Science Society.

Special Edition on Recent Advances in the Global Energy and Water Cycle Exchanges (GEWEX) Sciences

Submission Opens: January 2025
Submission Deadline: 31 December 2025

The Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (JMSJ) and Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA) announce a joint special edition on “Recent Advances in the Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Sciences.”

In coordination with the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference (OSC) held in Sapporo, Japan, in July 2024, this special edition aims to be a forum to accommodate the latest research, methodologies, and advancements in GEWEX-related studies, with broad focus on their atmospheric or meteorological aspects as appropriate to JMSJ and SOLA. Any paper topically relevant to the Global Energy and Water Exchanges is welcome regardless of the authors’ participation in the 9th GEWEX OSC.

Special Issue on Hydrometeorological data from mountain and alpine research catchments

Submission Opens: January 2025
Submission Deadline: 31 December 2025
Editors: J. Pomeroy and D. Marks

The Journal on Earth System Scienc Data (ESSD) special issue responded to an international need to improve the understanding and modelling of mountain snow and ice hydrological processes. This initiative arises from a new GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel cross-cut project – INARCH, the International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology ( ). The guest editors invite contributions of openly available detailed meteorological and hydrological observational archives from long-term research catchments at high temporal resolution (at least 5 years of continuous data with hourly sampling intervals for meteorological data, daily precipitation and streamflow, and regular snow and/or glacier mass balance surveys) in well-instrumented mountain regions around the world. Contributors and researchers will use this mountain hydrology data publication special issue for the benefit of global alpine hydrological research.

International GEWEX Project Office
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Fairfax, VA 22030 USA

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