White Book

ANDEX White Book Chapters and Publications

Chapter 1. Introduction
Lead authors: René Garreaud and Germán Poveda

Chapter 2. Geographical Context of the Andes
Lead author: René Garreaud

Chapter 3. Hydroclimate of the Andes

  • Espinoza JC, Garreaud R, Poveda G, Arias PA, Molina-Carpio J, Masiokas M, Viale M and Scaff L (2020). Hydroclimate of the Andes Part I: Main Climatic Features. Frontiers in Earth Science 8:64. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00064
  • Arias PA, Garreaud R, Poveda G, Espinoza JC, Molina-Carpio J, Masiokas M, Viale M, Scaff L and van Oevelen PJ (2021) Hydroclimate of the Andes Part II: Hydroclimate Variability and Sub-Continental Patterns. Front. Earth Sci. 8:505467. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.505467

Chapter 4. Cryosphere of the Andes

  • Masiokas MH, Rabatel A, Rivera A, Ruiz L, Pitte P, Ceballos JL, Barcaza G, Soruco A, Bown F, Berthier E, Dussaillant I, and MacDonnell, S (2020). A Review of the Current State and Recent Changes of the Andean Cryosphere. Frontiers in Earth Science 8:99. doi:10.3389/feart.2020.00099

Chapter 5. High impact events in the Andes

  • Poveda G, Espinoza JC, Zuluaga MD, Solman SA, Garreaud R and van Oevelen PJ (2020). High Impact Weather Events in the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science 8:162. doi:10.3389/feart.2020.00162

Chapter 6. Observed and Projected hydroclimatic changes in the Andes

  • Pabón-Caicedo JD, Arias PA, Carril AF, Espinoza JC, Borrel LF, Goubanova K, Lavado-Casimiro W, Masiokas M, Solman S and Villalba R (2020). Observed and Projected Hydroclimate Changes in the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science 8:61. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00061.

Chapter 7. Observations and data in the Andes

  • Condom T, Martínez R, Pabón JD, Costa F, Pineda L, Nieto JJ, López F and Villacis, M (2020). Climatological and Hydrological Observations for the South American Andes: In situ Stations, Satellite, and Reanalysis Data Sets. Frontiers in Earth Science 8:92 doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00092

Chapter 8. Science underpinning sustainable development of the Andes
Lead authors: Germán Poveda and Peter van Oevelen

Chapter 9. Actions and challenges
Lead authors: René Garreaud and Peter van Oevelen.

Click here to access the References included in the ANDEX White Book

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