RHPs are generally large, regionally-focused multidisciplinary projects that aim to improve the understanding and prediction of that region’s weather, climate, and hydrology. All RHPs address the physical processes surrounding water and energy exchanges within a region, thus addressing the GEWEX Science Questions. Most RHPs are broader than this, often addressing questions related to the biosphere and carbon cycle, human interaction in the landscape, and even socio-economic factors.
In order for a new project to be recognized as an RHP, it must satisfy the RHP criteria. Examples of documentation for past and present RHPs can be found in the RHP Library.
Current RHPs
- Baltic Earth: Earth System Science for the Baltic Sea Region
- GWF: Global Water Futures – manage water futures in Canada and other cold regions
Initiating and Prospective RHPs
The potential RHPs below are at various stages of development. If you are interested in getting involved with one, please contact the International GEWEX Project Office.
- ANDEX: Hydroclimate Research Program for the Andes
- AsiaPEX: Asian Precipitation Experiment, A follow-on activity to the Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmosphere Scientific Research and Prediction Initiative (MAHASRI) to understand Asian land precipitation over diverse hydroclimatological conditions
- Central Asia Initiative: Collaboration between GEWEX and START (SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training) to advance climate change science and scientific capacities in Central Asia.
- TPE-WS: Third Pole Environment-Water Sustainability, a Study of the Third Pole Environment, the region centered on the Tibetan Plateau
- H2US: Humans and Hydroclimate in the United States (H2US; formerly the “US-RHP”) a cohesive multi-institutional effort to understand and address a changing hydroclimate in the United States
Completed RHPs
Several RHPs have been completed. These RHPs have left legacy data sets and knowledge that is often still accessible through their websites. A more detailed account of completed RHP plans, documentation, and articles can be found in the RHP library.
- AMMA: African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis Project
- BALTEX: Baltic Sea Experiment (ended 2013)
- CCRN: Changing Cold Regions Network
- CPPA: Climate Prediction Program for the Americas (formerly GEWEX Americas Prediction Project – GAPP) (ended 2010)
- GAME: GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment (ended 2005)
- GCIP: GEWEX Continental-scale International Project (ended 2001)
- HyMeX: HYdrological cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment (ended 2020)
- LBA: Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia
- LPB: La Plata Basin (ended 2012)
- MAGS: Mackenzie GEWEX Study (ended 2005)
- MAHASRI: Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmosphere Scientific Research and Prediction Initiative (ended 2016)
- MDB: Murray-Darling Basin (ended 2011), pg. 12
- NEESPI: Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (ended 2015)
Former RHPs
- HyVic: Hydrology of Lake Victoria Basin (initiating RHP)
The RHP Library contains proposals, white books, science plans, and other documentation for some of the past and present RHPs.