Evaluating simulated convective clouds during Arctic cold-air outbreaks – A model intercomparison study
Contacts: Tim Juliano, Florian Tornow and Ann Fridlind

This GASS model intercomparison project focuses on an intense Arctic cold-air outbreak (CAO) case that was observed during the Cold-Air Outbreaks in the Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (COMBLE; Geerts et al., 2022). Despite the frequent occurrence of Arctic CAOs, many numerical models have difficulty representing various aspects of this mixed-phase cloud system. Specifically, we solicit participation of large-eddy simulation and single column models to examine mesoscale cloud organization and boundary layer structure and turbulence while relying on upwind aerosol observations, downwind COMBLE observations, and satellite measurements.
More detailed information on planning and participation can be found in the GASS project white paper and on the project website. An webinar was held to discuss planning progress with potential participants on 4 November 22 (see slides and recording). To be added to the project e-mail list, please contact Tim Juliano, Florian Tornow, (or Ann Fridlind).